

Located in one of the most vibrant literary and creative communities on the east coast, 十大网络彩票平台大全’s MFA in Creative writing is dedicated to 教师 mentorship, 沉浸式体验学习, 还有工艺的严谨.


The MFA at 十大网络彩票平台大全 allows students to hone their skills by working one on one with award-winning, internationally-renowned 教师 in a program that provides individualized instruction while recognizing the expanding role of 创意写作 beyond the traditional academy. 

Students may focus their course of study in fiction, nonfiction, and 诗歌, young adult fiction & 非虚构、文学类型写作(奇幻、科幻、推理等).),或旅游/美食写作. 

HFU的MFA尊重学生的时间价值, as well as the growing demand for professionalization within the field of 创意写作. 内置在我们灵活的, two-year curriculum are opportunities for students to put their work in the hands of publishers, 代理, 以及著名的文学人物. Our focus on interdisciplinary practice supports student writing while providing opportunities for professionalization through writing related experiences such as directed independent studies, 实习, 编辑实践, 社区参与, 开展社会正义倡议, 教学的机会, 和更多的. 

The MFA at HFU is a diverse and inclusive community that provides students with unique opportunities to sharpen their craft against the backdrop of 费城's teeming artistic landscape, 让学生与同学建立关系, 教师, and community members that will prepare them for a long and fulfilling life in writing. 




  • To create a sustainable practice of writing in your daily life that encourages discipline, 创造力, 和经济增长.
  • To connect with an audience by developing a greater understanding of craft, 体裁惯例, 和意图, as well as ways to challenge yourself and your audience through experimentation. 
  • To revise with purpose, so that your work may evolve in ways that align with your intended goals. 
  • 参与写作生活的专业元素, 为发行机会做好准备, 创造这些机会. 



  • 美术硕士
  • 混合



Students may focus their course of study in fiction, nonfiction, and 诗歌, young adult fiction & 非虚构、文学类型写作(奇幻、科幻、推理等).)、图画小说或旅行/美食写作. 


The MFA at HFU strives to admit students who demonstrate both the creative and academic abilities required to be successful given both the rigor and unique format of the low-residency program.


  • A personal statement that provides insight into the applicant’s desire to obtain an MFA, 艺术视角, 个人写作史, 对项目的潜在贡献, 并准备好满足项目的要求.
  • A writing sample consisting of original writing in the applicant’s primary genre (10-15 pgs. 诗歌,20-30页. 散文).
  • Official transcripts from all previous institutions of higher education attended by the applicant.


Emphasis on interdisciplinary practice supports student writing while providing opportunities for professionalization through writing related experiences such as directed independent studies in literature, 实习, 编辑实践, 社区参与, 开展社会正义倡议, 教学的机会, 等. 


HFU的MFA位于圣家族大学的主校区, 从费城市中心乘火车或汽车只需很短的路程. Our location provides students with the opportunity to immerse themselves in city life, while also taking advantage of a self-contained campus to spend time on their studies. This balance of city and suburb allows students of all kinds to thrive in our residency environment where they attend seminars, 讲座, genre-specific研讨会, 和阅读来培养他们成长为新兴作家. Our residencies are social happenings designed to help participants build lasting relationships with 教师 and fellow students that form the foundations of their life in writing for years to come.


MFA毕业生成为有成就的作家, 诗人, 小说家, 编剧, and playwrights with books from respected publishers and individual publications in nationally renowned journals. 然而, many employers value the communication skills and the 创造力 that an MFA fosters, and with a terminal degree in Creative writing you are prepared for an incredible variety of careers. 

Some of the diverse fields that see the MFA in Creative Writing as a unique or interesting qualification, 如果不是要求的话, 包括教育, 出版, 市场营销/公关, 新闻, 广告, 电视和广播, 律师事务所, 盈利, 以及沟通咨询.

事实上,美国.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects growth for master's in writing careers through 2026, 包括作家和作者8%的增长, 公共关系专家增加了9%, 技术作家增加11%(“2018-19 MFA”).  


The overarching goal of the program is to prepare students to publish and work within the diverse field of 创意写作. 为此目的, graduates of the 美术硕士 in Creative Writing program will demonstrate skills and knowledge aligned with the following program goals:

  • Identify exemplary and diverse model texts from which to draw inspiration
  • Demonstrate knowledge of craft and literary analysis through an engagement with relevant works, 批判性思维, 阅读, 和写作
  • Generate opportunities for professionalization, 研究, and 社区参与 
  • 提高写作、编辑和修改的能力
  • 完成大量的书面工作
  • 在一个主要的研究流派中提出一篇创造性的论文

"The MFA in Creative Writing provides the opportunity to work with award-winning writers to hone one's craft in a variety of genres while also recognizing the value of students' time and providing experiential learning opportunities that help lead to a sustained life in writing." 



